Facebook Historical Facts that you don't know


At present, while social media is creating ripples in the society. Everyone has been kept using the internet. No need to mention especially that Facebook attracts the youth more on social media. Most of the youth are using Facebook now. With the thought that they can stay close to their friends always through Facebook. Facebook which was a communication site launched by students at Harvard in America. Later, it made many changes. Through Facebook which was found by Mark Zuckerberg. Along with several advantages, many disadvantages were observed.
Facebook Historical Facts that you don't know


In the history, few strange incidents also took place because of Facebook. In these incidents, there are unexpected loss along with profits. In this article, I am going to show you the information about strange incidents that took place in the history likewise because of Facebook. As part of Melbourne Cup Day held on November 4, 2015,  an Australian woman, Michelle won the $875 race riding Prince of Penzance. She got the prize money in the form of a ticket. Before withdrawing the money she won and clicked a pic of the ticket and posted it on her Facebook account. Everyone liked that pic but one of them immediately stole the bar code on that ticket. Through automatic machine, the person has withdrawn the total amount of Rs 50,000 which was won by Michelle. An Australian woman Michelle was booked because of Facebook likewise.

An American street artist, David Choe who painted the Facebook's first office 'Silicon Valley' thought to take his entire payment which he gets through shares of his paints on Facebook. The Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg's favourite graffiti artist painted the Facebook office in 2012. Do you know the total amount that he got through Facebook shares?He earned about $200 million through Facebook office paintings. He may not get so much amount even if he paints for his lifetime.

Generally, with the intention to have only the genuine account holders. Although Facebook took a great care in the case of documentation while sign up. It has about 270 million fake accounts. This is almost equal to the American population. Once David Voelkert's ex-wife Angela with the intention to show off the real character of her husband. She created a fake account with the name Jessica Studebaker and started chatting with her ex-husband. And revealed his real character in the court. With this David was caught immediately.

In 2005, when Mark Zuckerberg thought to sell Facebook for $75 million and met with MySpace's CEO Chris DeWolfe. But he refused to buy Facebook for so much amount. But within no time, surpassing MySpace's visitors. Facebook created a record as the social networking site with a huge number of account holders. Now Facebook crossed millions and is with a net worth of billions. If you spell this word in front of the people who know English, then they will get into a fight. But when an Australian thought to create a Facebook account with this name, Facebook did not accept it. To prove that it is his name, he posted his passport on Facebook. The Facebook team who was surprised with that accepted his account later. You too should remember one thing. Everything whichever you post on Facebook Status update will enter the Facebook servers. If there are any objectionable things. Do not face the problem after posting it. Because even if you delete it immediately. Already the information has been fed in the server.

In 2009, Brian Acton was rejected for jobs at Facebook. This was their biggest mistake. Later, he joined hands with Ukrainian Jan Koum. Both together found WhatsApp Messenger. After 5 years, Facebook bought WhatsApp which became very popular for $19 billion. With this, Brian who came for a job became a billionaire all at once.

An interesting thing is Facebook's first annual Hacker Cup coding challenge was won by a programmer named at Google. To collect his prize he won in the challenge. He came online wearing his Google employee badge. As soon as Microsoft CEO Bill Gates created a Facebook account. When he received crores of friend requests. He was surprised all at once and as he was unable to handle them, he closed his account.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg received $1 billion offer to tie up with Yahoo! Here the wonder is, it was just 2 years since Facebook launch. And at that time, Facebook had 8 million account holders with a revenue of just $30 million. But with the confidence that they have on Facebook, Yahoo! has made a deal of $1 billion. And earned good profits. With this, Facebook has grown faster. Mark Zuckerberg donated about $25 million to American foundation to help fight Ebola. This is the information and historical facts about Facebook.

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Facebook Historical Facts that you don't know Facebook Historical Facts that you don't know Reviewed by deepak on September 24, 2018 Rating: 5

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