Unknown facts About Parakaya Pravesham and other siddhis


The cultures and traditions are given more importance in  India than other countries in the world. Our country with traditions and cultures of thousands of years is also in leading position in all the fields. Long years ago, our ancestors had invented all the technologies which we are seeing now and useful in the modern world to attain the modern life. Many great people like our ancestors attained a few mysterious powers with their spiritual power. Our Vedas are saying that the people who attained these powers will have insensible powers. But attaining these powers is not so easy. For that, there must be self-confidence, persistence and constant practice. These characters are seen mostly in Maha Yogis, saints, great people. That is why they own all these kinds of literature.
Unknown facts About Parakaya Pravesham and other siddhis

Types of Siddhis written in our Vedas and myths

The first Siddhi is Parkaya Pravesh. Our Vedas says that this is the most difficult and need more practice. The one who has this power bring out their soul and can enter into the body of some other person. Likewise, many sages and saints leave their body after it is aged. Entering into the body of some other young person who died suddenly, they live for a few thousands of years, says our myths.

The second Siddhi is Haadi Vidya or Anurmimattvam. There is a lot in many books of myths about this siddhi. Even now many sages and saints in our Himalayas know this. The one who has this siddhi can remain without eating food or drinking water for several months at a stretch. Our saints are saying that this siddhi helps them to be meditating in the name of god.

The third one is Kaadi Vidya. There will be a relation between this and the previous Haadi Vidya. In Kaadi Vidya, a person is not affected by the change of seasons, i.e. by summer, winter, rain, etc. After accomplishing this Vidya, they can stop the sensation of their body. Due to that, they can stay concentrated on god even in the coolest place and in the hot sunlight. With this Vidya, our saints and sages continue to meditate even in the snow-laden Himalayan mountains without any disturbance.

The fourth Siddhi is called as Madaladsa or Kamarupini. On accomplishing this Vidya, a person becomes capable of increasing or decreasing the size of his body in a moment. For example, like Lord Hanuman in our Ramayana. He had miniaturised his body through this Vidya while entering the city of Lanka, while bringing the Sanjeevani mountain, he became very big, it was there in Ramayana. According to our myths, it is known that Lord Hanuman is expert in this Vidya. It is been said that now our Yogis and saints have this Vidya. But there is no proper proof regarding that.

The fifth Siddhi is Vayu Gaman Siddhi. Through this Siddhi, a person can become capable of flying in the sky. They can travel flying in the air to whatever the place in just a few seconds it seems. In our myths, it was there that Lord Hanuman, Naradha, all the gods, saints flown likewise to different places. Even now a few Maha Yogis and saints, through this siddhi. During the time of the sacred rivers joining with each other in the country, many say that they will appear there suddenly and leave the place after finishing their work there.

The sixth one is Kanakadhara Siddhi. It is there in our myths that this siddhi was invented by Aadi Shankaracharya. When that great saint went on seeking alms, he stood at the house of a poor woman and asked her for alms that lady just gave him an Amla fruit (Gooseberry) which was the only thing she had, bemoaned her fate piteously. Sensing the abject poverty of the lady, instantaneously composed the great hymn on Mother Lakshmi, the Kanakadhara Stotra and showered gold coins it seems. This Kanakadhara Siddhi was made on a silver plate and 36 squares are formed by drawing 7 lines of the Beej Mantra.

The seventh one is Prakya Sadhana Siddhi. Our myths said that the Yogis, saints, Veda Guru had this siddhi in ancient days. The one who know this siddhi can direct his disciple to take birth from the womb of a sacred woman who is childless. Even though this vidya is very difficult, they used this siddhi for many times for the welfare of the world.And from the Puranas, it is known that it was used many times.

The eighth one is Surya Vigyan Siddhi. It was written in our Vedas and Puranas that this is an ancient Siddhi which was used by many yogis, saints and great people long ago. Accomplishing this siddhi one can be transformed into whichever form they want through the medium of sun rays. This is also called as the Istadhara Shakti.

The last one and the ninth siddhi is Mrit Sanjeevani Vidya. Guru Shukracharya is the expert in this Vidya. The one who has this vidya will have the great power with which even a dead person can be brought back to life. In our myths, during the Devadhanava battle nothing has happened to the Devas as they drank the ambrosia. But the Danavas were used to die in more numbers. Danava Guru Shukracharya was able to revive the lives of all Danavas dead in the battles using this Vidya. Even though it has been said that a few saints and yogis have this Vidya now. But there is not proper report on that. It was written about these Siddhis not only in our Hindu culture but also in books of Buddha religion.

In ancient days, these siddhis which were used often by the saints and Maha Purusha. No one has seen them now. But there are many people who think that it is not true as we did not see. I would like to say them a word. We should not think that what we see is the truth and what we do not is the lie. There are many things which cannot be found by the present science and technology. We can say that these are few among them.

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Unknown facts About Parakaya Pravesham and other siddhis Unknown facts About Parakaya Pravesham and other siddhis Reviewed by deepak on September 17, 2018 Rating: 5

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