The Message that Venezuela is giving to other countries


Venezuela is the richest country in South Africa. This country has more amount of Biodiversity. Venezuela is in 7 place in Biodiversity. This country have rich amounts of crude oil. It used have rich Financial Reserves. Venezuela have gone into financial crisis because of leaders.

What is the Message that Venezuela is giving to other countries?

When Hugo Chávez was Venezuela president. He made many facilities to his people. He used make dealers to sell goods at low costs. He gave houses for free. He gave petrol for 2 cents. He did all this because of oil exports he had done. He got phrasings from all citizens of his country. His duration of presidency got finished. Nicolas Maduro came into power in Hugo Chávez place. He followed Chávez polices

Because of this Venezuela situation got into very bad stage. By seeing Venezuela the remaining countries must follow that up to what extent they must apply policies.
In 2005, this country recorded more development. It got into crisis because of its polices. It got into more inflation. Currency value got down. More inflation & Problem in monitoring inflation. Crude oil crisis. Because of wrong policies appliance. More Government Expenditure. High amount of loan burden. Because of it Venezuela got into crisis. The Government policies are responsible for Venezuela crisis. United Nation tried to help Venezuela with Food & some goods,but they didn't agree for it.

Venezuela in 2016 December, it cancelled 100 velurva note & replaced with new currency. But it took a lot of time for new currency to reach ATM & Banks. Venezuela stood as currency less. In that time Venezuela got Corrupted & Black Spread. China gave 65 billion $ loan to Venezuela. Venezuela faced loss for exporting lot amount of crude oil to china to repay the loan. China have got profits at that time. Venezuela loan crossed 10 billion $. Venezuela put rules to Business people to give Products for less cost. Venezuela gives some products as ration. This brought Threat to them. Colombia the state which is opposite to Venezuela have great financial crisis. Smuggling is done by using border village Kukutha. Past they used to transport Alcohol & Goods. But now oranges,kids diapers & petrol are also transported illegally. Colombia Govt didn't put Restrictions on prices. So they are sold at high prices there. Colombia people are coming to Venezuela & enjoying free facilities given by Venezuela govt. So Venezuela Govt noticed it & Made many people go out of its country. 20,000 people got scared & came back to Colombia. Venezuela closed Colombia borders. Arranged great protection. Venezuela economic income in 2017 was 515.7 billion $. The development from past 3 years was 0.3%.

In 2010 Venezuela registered most of the development. In 2017, at fixed prices the economic income was -4.50 %. Before Countries before 2000 praised Venezuela for its policies. It got noticed & praised by all countries even in market also. Venezuela got 6 place in Crude oil reserves. In Venezuela 2013,the ratio of people below poverty line was 28.35 %. In 2017 it was 70%. In 2016 August. They spend 3.5 Billion $ for Pharma. For food imports they spend 2 billion $. In 1970 decade Crude oil cost increased by 10%.But in 2016 they got decreased up to 2%. In 1997,crude oil production reduced. In 2015-2016,the gain in economic income got down. Govt failed in regaining economic income. So Venezuela great Inflation. In Hugo Chávez & Nicolás Maduro ruling. So in Venezuela Economic income got reduced & Inflation got increased. Inflation got severe. So Nicolás Maduro advertised Economic inflation on August-September, for 60 days. Because of economic inflation & value of currency got down. Because of exporting more amount of crude oil. So economic income got into severe stage. Crude oil costs got reduced. Hospitals got reduced. Crisis for food. Crisis for medicines. Venezuela's economic policy got failed. In the country 25% of people faced medicinal crisis. Even they are no able satisfy food & daily needs. In 2016,August 150000 members went to Colombia to buy medicines & food. From this we can know about that country situation. Venezuela Govt didn't take help from foreign countries thinking that there people may feel that Govt has failed. The main reason for Venezuela economic loss was Inflation. From Un-official survey in 2015 second tenure. Inflation was 370%. From INF survey in 2016 the inflation was 475.80 %. In 2017 it was 1600%. From 2014-2017, high prices inflation was seen in Venezuela. The economic experts say that inflation in Venezuela in 2017 was 905.9% & in 2018 was 884.4%. Venezuela have economic crisis in such a way that it cannot even import Eggs & Milk. The Alcoholic reserves in country got Vanished. Economic inflation came into picture because of economic loss. Because of food crisis 75% Venezuela people loosed 8.6 kg weight. The situation there was they didn't even have food to eat twice in a day. So to control all these Venezuela govt took action & closed Colombia borders. From 10 years because of welfare activities,there was growth in economic income. They increased crude oil costs & followed Cost healing procedure. Nicolás Maduro said that they are going to re valuate countries currency.

Venezuela is facing most of inflation than all countries. There was great crisis for daily needs. To control this inflation Nicolás Maduro introduced less value currency. From a survey it is said that Venezuela inflation is going to increase 10 lakh %. Because of economic inflation in Venezuela. That countries currency value have got down. To project this inflation out of the box a photographer made lot of efforts. He made photos by placing Money & daily needs side by side. To buy chicken weighing of 2.4 kg in Caracas,they need 1 crore 40 lakh Bolivars. They must take money in Big Gunny bag. So because of this many people are going to neighboring countries like Brazil & Colombia. The Brazil people attacked on migrated Venezuela people. The Brazil people burnt Thatch houses of Venezuela people. So many Venezuela people went back to their country again. The Govt ruling is reason for this kind inflation in the country. Because of Cancellation of 100 Bolivar note. As they cannot feed their children they left them in Orphanages. Thinking to give every thing as free for people. Having Govt Polices which don't have any rules. They made Venezuela to pass under Inflation. So remaining countries must watch Venezuela situation & should follow correct rules. Venezuela have been example to remaining countries that,how should not an economic Policies be.

The Message that Venezuela is giving to other countries The Message that Venezuela is giving to other countries Reviewed by deepak on September 18, 2018 Rating: 5

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