Mysterious and unrevealed facts of aircraft technology


That was December 17th, 1903 the whole world believes that Wright brothers invented the airplane which we are seeing now. But the unbelievable thing is there are the evidence that Indian has invented the airplane 8 years prior to 1903. That too he made it based on the details mentioned in our Puranas. But you cannot believe it. But our Puranas say that the Pushpaka Vimanas (Aircraft) were in use thousands of years ago. And the Devatas and Danavas used to travel in them. It means  Indians have the Vaimanika Shastra (aerospace technology) in those days. But what was the technology they used in those airplanes? How were the pilots of those airplanes there? What kind of training was given to them? Is there any book written about these? I have written answer of these all question below:
Mysterious and unrevealed facts of aircraft technology

There is a record that in 1895, Shivkar Bapuji Talpade has flown an aircraft at the beach in Mumbai. The writer and politician Vinayak Damodar Sawarkar wrote in a book about this experiment. But the evidence revealed that Shivkar Talpade had started his experiments on aircraft invention from 1885. When he was a teacher at JJ School of Art in Mumbai. He made an aircraft called Marutsakha.  And it is known that he travelled in it over few places of Gurgaon. But it was unable to fly long distance at heights. As his experiment did have any proper recognition and publicity. That invention was hidden in the history.

Shivkar to make this flight, he took the source from an ancient manuscript of Vaimanika Prakarnam it seems. Now this book is at the Bharat Itihas Sanshodhak Mandal in Pune. One of the copies of this book is at the Oriental Institute of Maharaja Sayajirao Unversity of Baroda. One is at Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar and another one is Talpade. It was said by the archaeologist Ganesh Nirlinkar Desai at Shivaji University in Kolhapur. According to his report, the book has the information like how to construct the aircraft and how to escape from the dangers, avoiding the heat from the sun, protection from the thunder and lightning it seems. It was there in myths that this book was psychically delivered to him by the ancient Hindu sage Bharadvaja and wrote by Lord Ganesh.

Several thousands of years ago, our sages gathered the entire information in our Vedas through several methods, and wrote them in the books. Through our Vedas, it is known that the ancient scientific technology was so great. Mainly, they said about the aircraft in many situations in these scripts. While few Puranas mentioned about the Vimana called Tripura. There was about Pushpaka Vimana in Ramayana. There are several descriptions on the aircraft Saubha in Bhagavatam. In 40 sections of Yantra sarvasva written by Maharishi Bharadwaaja ,There is a Vaimanika Sastra (Science of Aeronautics) with 600 pages which shows the instruments used in those days, the images of the machines and designs of the aircraft. Dr. Amanchi Bala Sudhakar Sastry did a research on Vaimanika Sastra said by Maharishi Bharadwaaja regarding the machines, equipment, metal usage and their construction.

In the book written by him, he said 32 secrets which a pilot must know. It explains about the training for the pilot and their clothing. He described the 32 main parts of the aircraft and the working process of those machines which was very modern than the present aircraft. About the metals used in the flights of those days. The process of taking energy from lightning was explained clearly in Vaimanika Sastra. In this Sastra, they explained about the Tripura Vimanas which could travel in the air, on water and on land extensively. Even now we did not get such a technology completely. But our ancestors explained in this book during those days. In these books, they wrote a few general principles. A few are important among them.

Adhikaranam of food

In this, they wrote about the food recommended for pilots and passengers. In the Adhikaranam of metal, different types of metals, glasses to be used in making of aircraft. How to generate the power were explained. Not only that Maharshi Bharadwaja clearly described the details like what type of clothes a pilot should wear. Based on the book Yantra sarvasva written by Maharishi Bharadwaaja. It is known the ancient Indians have so much skillfulness in the Mechanical Science and Science of Aeronautics. This book is also there at the library of Maharaja of Baroda. Based on this, sage Bodhananda wrote the book Vaimanika Prakarnam. In Vaimanika Prakarnam, the index of more than 50 aircraft books can be found. Among them, six are important. They are Shakti Sutra of Agastya, Soudaaminee-kalaa of Eshwara, Amsutantra of Bharadwaj Vayutatva Prakarana of Shaktaya, Vaiswaratantram of Naradha and Dhuma Prakarana. Beside all these, Yantra Sarvasva was specialised with 8 chapters, 100 topics and 500 sutras. It was there in that book that only the one who knows 32 secrets and has scientific knowledge can operate the flight and he is called as a pilot.

The scientific methods of Vaimanika written by Maharshi Bhardwaj. If we can bring the complete details about four important methods into the present Aeronautics, we can make the speediest and safest aircraft in the world ever it seems. Those four are:

1) Kritaka Rahasya (Secret):

This has the description about how to construct airplanes of various patterns said by Vishwakarma, Maya, Mann.

2) Goodha Rahasya:

In this, it was described the forces which are helpful to travel in flights and their characters. The names of these forces are Vyaasaa, Viyaasaa, Prayaasaa. If we know about these three forces the aircraft can be made fly at the speed of light.

3) Aparoksha secret:

In this, they explained about a type of electricity generated from thunderbolt. By capturing this electricity, the flight will fly without any hazards and can also know how to use the electric power to run the machines.

4) Saarpa-Gamana secret:

In this, the method of making the aircraft fly by using sunlight in a zigzagging motion like a serpent was explained. Along with these secrets, there are a few Vaimanika characters. There are 30 Siddhanaatha who verified the Vimanika Shastra believed that the pilot must know all these 32 characters. These 32 secrets are:Yaantriki, Taantika, Kritika, Antaraala, Goodha, Drishya, Adrishya, Paroksha, Aparoksha, Sankocha, Vistrita, Viroopa Karana, Roopaantara, Suroopa, Amshubodhinee, Tamomaya, Pralaya, Vimukha, Taara, Mahaashabda Vimohana, Langhana, Saarpa-Gamana, Chaapala, Sarvatomukha, Parashabda Graahaka, Roopaakarshana, Kriyaagrahana, Dikpradarshana, Aakaashaakaara, Jalada Roopa, Stabdhaka and Karshana. This Yantra Sarvasva is been admiring the modern western the scientists of Science of Aeronautics. But during these days, many companies and people started the research on the science explained in Vedas and have been dropped out in the middle. The main reason behind this is the respective books of evidence were damaged due to the carelessness of india governments and no proper encouragement. The government and officers never cared them. The government and private organisations are spending few lakhs of crores for the present modern technology and their development. If they spend a little amount on these type of studies mentioned in our Vedas not only providing so many inventions to our next generations, a solution can be found to the negative consequences which the present world is going through. Hoping India government and private organisations would start this kind of research at least now.

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Mysterious and unrevealed facts of aircraft technology Mysterious and unrevealed facts of aircraft technology Reviewed by deepak on September 18, 2018 Rating: 5

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