Top 20 unbelievable facts about Japan


Generally, most of us show more interest to know the wonders and unbelievable facts in the foreign countries. So if anyone among our friends or relatives returns from any foreign country we feel a bit anxious to know about that country and the culture followed there. This time, I am back with 20 unbelievable facts about Asian country Japan, which would make you amaze.
Top 20 unbelievable facts about Japan

Amazing facts about Japan

Japan is said to be one of the developed countries in the world. Japan is discovering the latest technology from time to time. In Japan where the people say that they are the competitors for themselves in the case of technology. There are many wonders which would astonish you.

Although Japan is ahead in the case of technology. They give more importance to the culture and traditional recipes. Horse meat is the traditional dish in Japan. They will eat the raw horse meat freshly sliced by adding few soups. In India , when someone is going out, if a black cat runs across your path, it is believed that it brings bad luck. But in Japan, they believe that it brings them good luck.

In Japan, totally there are 6800 islands. While 70 percent of the land is covered with mountains. In those mountains, there are 200 active volcanoes. Among them, Mount Fuji is the biggest active volcano. We all know that Japan is earthquake porn area. Listening to the number of earthquakes occurring there, everyone's heart will slip down. Because approximately 1,500 earthquakes occur in Japan every year it seems.

While the whole world celebrates February 14th as Valentine's Day. In Japan, Christmas Day is celebrated as Valentine's Day. Not only that, On that day, everyone must eat KFC chicken it seems. So, the KFC company would recruit extra staff for that single days it seems. As sometimes huge flocks of people arrive at the railway stations of Japan. The trains will get filled with the public. During those situations, Japan Railways hire extra staff especially to push the people and close the doors.

Tsukiji fish market in Tokyo of Japan holds the record as the biggest fish market in the world. In this market, starting from tiny fishes, the meat of huge whales can be found. Generally, we cook pizza after place vegetables or chicken on it and then eat it. But in Japan, most of the people will eat it by placing a sea creature squid as a topping. We will get goosebumps on looking at it. But they eat such thing with more interest.

Most of the youth in Japan sell huge money at the dentists to make their teeth uneven or to have one tooth on the other it seems. Especially the girls are very interested in having like this it seems. They call this as Eba. Just like the strange competitions conducted in many countries. Even in Japan, a strange competition is conducted for men every year. The competition is the one who iron their shirt fast and perfectly, they will be given the award 'fastest-shirt-ironer' it seems. In this competition, thousands of men participate every year. The shortest escalator is in Japan. That is found in the basement B2, near the parking in a shopping mall at Kawasaki railway station in Japan. This escalator contains only five steps. So this escalator holds the Guinness Book of World Records.

When you go to someone's house as a guest in Japan, Noodles served by them must be slurped while eaten. and soup must be consumed by making sound it seems. If you eat without any sound ,they misunderstand that you did not like the food prepared by them it seems. So when you go to Japan, do not forget to slurp while eating noodles.

If you walk on the road while eating and drinking something in Japan. They will treat you as the sinners it seems. According to their tradition, doing like that is considered as a sin. When we go to any restaurant, we used to give some tip to bearer along with the bill after eating there. You should never do like this in Japan restaurants in any situation. Because giving the tip to the bearer there is considered as you insulted their work it seems. In some hotels of Japan, if a man staying alone in the room want a partner. They will send a girl to sleep with you in your bedroom it seems. You can hug them and sleep. After hugging her, if you think to go ahead with her then you will be slammed with a huge penalty. Those women are called as cuddling women. The hotels providing this facility are called as cuddle cafes. Due to the pressure from the men these days, some hotels are allowing to do anything with cuddling women. Well, for that, he must pay 1000 yen for every 3 minutes along with her acceptance it seems. In our currency, it is Rs 568.

Generally, in many countries, we see many people with a tattoo on their body and piercing various rings on the body. But in Japan, overtaking all these, they go for forehead modification. That is called as bagel head. There the youth will modify their forehead likewise with a kind of injection. This bagel head is very famous there.

Cigarettes smoking is widely seen all over the world. Japan is not an exception for this. But here, cigarette smoking is considered as a normal habit but not as an addiction. So in Japan, cigarettes are smoked wherever they want. At last the public places like family restaurants are not an exception for this. So if anyone of you are sensitive to cigarette smoking, my advice for you is do not go to Japan.

In ancient Japan, women used to blacken their teeth with dye to be beautiful. Their false belief is that they will become more beautiful by doing likewise. But in later times this practice is reduced. Not only that, until past few years, there the girls used to cut their hair after breaking up with a boyfriend. But now, most of the girls gave up this practice. There are large number of people living longer in Japan in the world it seems. Even the number of people who live for 100 years is also large it seems. So, the diapers used by adults are sold in huge number than that of small babies it seems.

Generally, in our country, we go to the pan shops to buy the cigarettes and to wine shops to buy alcohol. But in Japan, all these things are found in vending machines located there. In this machines, along with cigarettes and beers, everything like condoms and toilet papers can be found in these vending machines. There are 5.5 million vending machines across Japan it seems. It means there will be a machine on every street. When you go to Japan, even small words you speak may lead to a big fight.

If you scold anyone saying 'Idiot' by mistake, they will consider it as a big abusive word and get into a big fight with you. Even if you say 'No' to them when you do not like something then  they get angry at you even for that it seems. So it is better not to use the words 'Idiot' and 'No' there.

So, friends, these are the 20 unbelievable facts about Japan which are not known to you. I will be back with few more interesting blogs. If you do not want to miss those blogs then do not forget to subscribe to our website.

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Top 20 unbelievable facts about Japan Top 20 unbelievable facts about Japan Reviewed by deepak on September 19, 2018 Rating: 5

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