Top 7 Interesting Nature Creatives!!

Nature creative

In the world formed with Panchaboothalu,we see many interesting aspects everyday. But when we see something Strange. Then every one thinks how is it possible? There are many strange things in universe ,we can find correct answers for them after many researches only. But our elders age people say when we something interesting & strange, we must feel it, not to research on it. Let  know about Interesting nature creativities.
Top 7 Interesting Nature Creatives!!

Tree which gives water

We heard that trees give Oxygen,Fruits,Flowers. But There is a strange tree which gives water. Let us learn about it. In Denosa village on Rope State,Europe. There is a tree which gives water like Bore Well. It is Mulberry Tree. This tree has many years of history. After Rainy season ends this tree,brings water from underground like Fountain. The Water Outlet from tree is such high that surrounding areas got drowned. A Canal formed out of this water. By this we can know how much water tree is letting out. This tree have become attraction for tourism. Even the people from other countries are visiting that place to see that tree. Recently a TV channel made video of this tree & telecast ,this tree got famous all over the world because of it. After watching that video the research people made tests & found that, there is a hole under tree. In rainy season the hole gets filled,when rainy season ends. Tree starts bringing the water out from that hole.

Quartz wall

State in Vent Which has area of 25km.It is in Germany. This City is Known all over the world,because it is in Meteor. This city has population of 20,000.This city has many years of History. From 50 years this city got spread,even population have increased a lot. There is a volcano beneath the city, but it is sleeping state. People are constructing houses & living there happily. Once, 2 American scientists visited church in city, they found amazing and different wall and they did research on it, found it is Quartz. If the Asteroids in universe gets clashed & go under severe pressure then Quarts stone will be formed. This city is in 25km Asteroid hole,which fell from space over 14.5 million years ago. After knowing this fact people of that city got shocked. They Found another Asteroids hole,which is 42km away from city. But it is only 3.8km sized. The scientists defined that those two Asteroid hole are formed at the same time. This city is well renowned to world because,it is only one city which is in Asteroid hole.

Bridge Build by Nature in america

We find beautifully carved natural bridges. The Mountain which are 30 Square Km, joined together with natural bridges. Every day several tourists come there for Trekking. They go from one mountain to other on bridges. Because of security issues,they are not allowing any tourists to do trekking. Another specialty here is,they don't have any light pollution,there are no artificial lights even. By the arrangements made by management,we can see those bridges clearly even at the night time. Stars in the sky look clear without clouds there. Some 1000 years ago,that area was fully flooded so the sand & clay of mountains was flown with water. Then natural bridges formed and found lakes in the valley. Native Americans used to stay in this place. Even there marks are still found in that place. Even those people drew Pictures on walls. Americans took it in 1908, developed it made as place for tourism.

Touch me not plant

If we touch that gets folded. Many people don't know that even big trees does not touch each other. There are some tress which grow in such a way,they even don't touch other tree branches. These kind of trees are there in Malaysia & Indonesia. These trees have space in between them like canals. The spaces between tree look like carvings from top. In the 1920 people came to know about these trees. Researches say that there are different reasons why those trees are like that. These trees grow in such way so that insects don't effect them. But the exact reason is not Known to any one about these trees.

Newton apple tree

Newton sat down apple tree once when apple fell on him, he discovered gravitational force theory. Is still Newton Apple Tree there? But 400 years old Newton Apple tree is still there. From 17th century still this tree is alive and even giving fruits.An apple tree lives for 100 only,but this tree is alive above 400 years. In 1816 due to natural calamity it didn't die but touched the ground & Shaped as 'S'.Then grew again. This tree is still alive because its bark is mostly on ground. Queen Elizabeth in 2002 made it as Heredity Property. Made it as one of 50 the rare apple trees in England. Newtons house between these apple trees is still there.He spent his Childhood in that place only. At age of 24 Newton did researches about Astronomy,Physical,Maths, and studied in Cambridge University. At that time Plague is spread widely so Newton went to his house to see his mother. After Newton died his family used to protect that,after 2000 National tree Counsel took it made it for display. As the people are harming that tree they made fence to it. Many people stole the seeds of this tree,made them trees. Selling those apples as Newton apples.

Stones take birth & grow

It is fact that stones took birth there & growing from Million years. Morike beach is about 19 km and it has all these kind of stones, which is now a scientific reserve in New zealand. The biggest stone in this beach weight 7 tons,these stones are growing from 40 lakh years. Scientist did researches and found that these stones are made of sand & mud. This Stone contains calcite, magnesium, iron, carbon. These minerals help stones to bind like concrete. Waves bring mud & forming as heap. Then it slowly form like a stone. But Scientists are still making researches why these stones are growing. There are stones which are even aged of 50 lakh years.

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Top 7 Interesting Nature Creatives!! Top 7 Interesting Nature Creatives!! Reviewed by deepak on September 17, 2018 Rating: 5

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