Unbelievable Facts About Nelson Mandela

Unbelievable Facts About Nelson Mandela. Nelson Mandela former President of South Africa. He fought on Color discrimination. Let us know about Nelson Mandela briefly.

Nelson Mandela real name was Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela. He was born on 1918 July 18, at Mvezo, South Africa,in Transkei Kings Family. Rolihlahla means Naughty in Xhosa language. Like his name Nelson is also so naughty. But no body taught that he will fight against Color Discrimination. Nelson Mandela was the first person to go to school from his family,at the age of 5. One of his teacher in school named him as Nelson. Rolihlahla lost his father at age of 9. After that Nelson did his schooling from different schools. Based on their Custom,Nelson have to replace his fathers place.
Unbelievable Facts About Nelson Mandela

In 1937,Nelson joined Fort BeauFort college in HealdTown. Nelson was very active in sports like Boxing & Running. After matriculation he joined Fort Hare University for B.A. There he met Alibet Tambo.He became his friend for life. In that he made friendship with his community leader kizer ‎Matengeva. After time being they became Opponents,as leaders for different parties. Because Matengeva supported Bantustan Function. Because of participating in college politics Mandela was removed from college after one year. When he was in jail he completed his B.A from distance education In London University. In that span he saw Whites Domination & felt very Distraught. He taught to fight on this Racial Discrimination. Then he joined African National Congress with his friend.
Unbelievable Facts About Nelson Mandela

In 1948,south African National Congress came into power. This party policy was to separate Whites & Blacks. Then in situation Nelson actively participated in Defense Campaign in 1952 & People's powers in 1955. Nelson & his friend Established a law institute,by which they help Blacks in law who are below poverty line.

In 1952,Mandela joined in South Africa Communist party inspired by Latin America vegu ‎chukka,Che Guevara.He made lot of changes in Communist party. Firstly Mandela did his protesting with Non- violence, later on Dec,5 1956 Mandela was arrested with more 150. From 1956-1961,they made lot of inquiries & made them free saying they are Faultless. From 1952-1959,the African Congress People felt Intolerant forced high council to take right actions. Even challenges got raised for people who speak less in the party.
At that time South African Communist party gained strength.

In 1959,the South Africans got separated from Pan African Congress party. Those people who got separated got great support from remaining countries. For Freedom of South Africa,African National Congress,South Africa's Workers Union & Communist party faught combinedly. But this things are never shown on Co-operate Media. Media used to say positively about Mandela,but never wrote about the things he has done.

In 1961,Mandela formed Armed department in African Congress party & became leader for it. This department name is 'Um Kondu Beas Sawal' means Country Bullet. This people target Govt military forces. They even made plans to protest against Color Discrimination.

 In 1980,many people died in that protest. Mandela as their is no befit with non-violence they started their protest in Violent. Later days Mandela agreed that AMC have disobeyed Human Rights. Because of Gale-la protests,on Aug 5 1962 Mandela was arrested. After 3 days he was produced in court.

In 1968,he made protests with workers,going to foreign without permission. Oct 25 1962 Mandela was imprisoned for 5 years. After 2 years on June 11 1964,another judgement was given based on his works in AMC. After Mandela got arrested,the Govt has arrested many AMC leaders. They Accused many criminal cases on Mandela & remaining AMC members. Mandela refused & said that he didn't Betrayal. Mandela agreed that he was some destruction's. April 20 1964,Mandela explained in Pretoria Court why AMC changed its policies,to achieve his goals. He also said how their nonviolence protest failed. Mandela said even after Repression of Govt if we remain the same then it means we are agreeing to it. He said how Govt Procedures are making Country Financial Income down. He said he dedicated his whole life on fighting with blacks & whites for making society equal for all & free. He said that he even ready to die to create that society,still fighting for it. After this argument Mandela was imprisoned in Robben Island for 18 years. In his whole imprisonment of 27 years, he spent 18 years in this Robben Island. He never felt bad in jail even he was treated as the d grade prisoner.

In 1982,Mandela & some other prisoners where changed to port wood jail. This is done because they thought that Mandela will influence Younger prisoners. In 1985,South Africa president said that he will release Mandela if he leaves Armed Forces. But Mandela refused it. By using his daughter as a medium Mandela released an advertisement & said that if you refuse people groups then where is freedom for me. Only independent person can speak about giving & taking. But a prisoner cannot interfere in it.

In 1985,Mandela first meeting was held between Govt Servants. Then he held many meetings in later 4 years. These meetings are been in discussion,but there is no development. When Mandela was in jail then South Africa Govt got many Internal & External pressures to release him.

 In 1989,Frederik Willem de Klerk became President because of Bota. On Feb 1990, Clerk gave official orders to release Mandela. On Feb 2 1990,Clerk made it official that Mandela is going to b released. Then Mandela got released from Victor Vorster prison on Feb 11 1990. After he got released from prison he gave speech about Race. In this speech he said,he is bound to Nonviolence & ready to make agreements with whites. But he said that he will not stop fighting on Racial Discrimination. After returning from jail he again took charge of his power in African National Congress. In the span of 1990-1994,he made all race people united & conducted elections. After Ban have been removed on African National Congress,it elected Mandela as president for it in the year 1991. His friend Alibet Tambo was made as Vice President. Mandela made discussions with South African president De clerk when he has in prison.
Unbelievable Facts About Nelson Mandela

 In 1993,when senior AMC leader Chris Hani was killed,then there was situation for internal war. At that time the appeal made by Mandela for peace ,became crucial in Politics. After some clashes,country became peaceful. April 27 1994,they have decided to conduct elections. Only then for the first time South Africa got elections as democratic country. In that election Africa National Congress party secured 62% of votes. On May 10 1994,Mandela became first black president. De Clerk was Vice President,Jambi was 2 vice president. From May 1994 to June 1999,Mandela was the President. He got appreciation from all countries. Mandela was interested in sports,so he made them as a medium of peace. The proof for it was Rugby Tournament Which was held in South Africa in 1995. Then South Africa Team Won on New Zealand. Mandela wore South Africa team tea shirt & gave trophy to Captain. This Incident is the proof for Friendship between Blacks & Whites. In his span of ruling Mandela got praising from world wide & made positive relationships with the whole world.
Unbelievable Facts About Nelson Mandela

In 1994,he became president when he was 77.He was the 1 person to be president at that age. He decided not to participate in elections for the 2 time. Mandela got many Awards & praising's for his fight against racism. In 1990,Mandela was awarded with "Bharat Ratna". Same year he was awarded with Lenin Peace Prize.

In 1992,Turkey gave Atatanka Peace Prize. Apart of praising, Mandela even have hatred too. There are many disputes on Nelson Mandela Trust. Even many people criticized him for Diamond Mining. Zimbabwe president Robert Mugabe supported corruption. Even Mandela faced many criticism's in his personal life. Mandela did 3 marriages,he have 6 children, 20 grandchildren & even he has great grand children too. He dedicated his whole life eradicated racism & build equality. He is born in a king family but fought for Racism. It is a very great thing. Mandela suffered with Breathing Problem & died in the year 2013 Dec 5.

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Unbelievable Facts About Nelson Mandela Unbelievable Facts About Nelson Mandela Reviewed by deepak on September 11, 2018 Rating: 5

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