According To BBC World Top 6 Influential Women In History


According To BBC World Top 6 Influential Women In History. If we go back & see in Civilization then we can find that how many ScientistsPhilosophersPoliticiansSocial people are responsible for this development. But in Masculine society it is still question that,what is the position of women. So we  need to specify Women Place In History. There are many Women in History Who stand as Inspiration for all women in our society for freedom. These women are who fought for equal rights with men & made changes in society. They gained a lot fame in the profession they choose. Even they proved to stand 1 in Technical Field. Recently BBC released a report about most influential Women in History. Let us know about top 6 Women in History.

Marie Curie

According To BBC World Top 6 Influential Women In History

She is Known to Whole World is proven fact. At our schooling we learn about Marie Curie in Chemistry Books. Marie Curie made many special researches in Chemistry & was awarded with many prizes. Marie Curie was the first women to get 2 Nobel Prizes for her researches in Chemistry. Marie Curie researches on Radio Activity have become Guidelines for future researches on Chemistry. Marie Curie was first women professor in Paris ,Sorbonne University. Marie Curie was born in Poland,Later she left to France. Marie Curie took her first Nobel prize with her Husband Pierre Curie. Marie Curie daughter Irène Joliot Curie took Nobel Prize in Chemistry. It was only possible for Curie family to take 3 Nobel Prizes. Marie Curie died at the age of 66,because she used to do researches with Radio Active Chemicals which led to Leukemia. BBC made it clear in the survey that she ranks top in the History of Women.

Rosa Louis McCollie Parks

According To BBC World Top 6 Influential Women In History

She was African. Rosa Parks used to work as Sewing Worker & faught against Racism. Rosa Parks was specially recognized by US Govt as a Activist. Rosa Parks is called the Mother of Modern Activist's. In Dec 1 1955,when she was traveling from her Home Town Montgomery to Work Place she sat in 1 first seat of Bus. But at that time there was huge racism & untouchability,the Blacks were not allowed to sit at front.They were only allowed to sit at back. The Front Seats were only for Whites. Bus Driver asked Louise to go & sit in Back seat. But Louise didn't agree for it. By that time Louise was fully fed with Racism showed on Blacks. So she reacted on that issue Severally. She was arrested for protests & disobeying Govt rules. After knowing about this issues by Blacks. A group 50 America& African leaders formed & started protesting about racism,started Banishes against Montgomery Bus. At the time of E.D.Nixon leadership they Refused to change law for Black & Whites. With the help of 50,000 African American's they protested public Buses at Montgomery for 381 days. This Protest didn't stop till the Blacks got equal rights with Whites. In this protest 90% of Africa American's participated so Govt Transport income came down up to 80%. She was noted in History for her Works.

Emilin Pankhurst

According To BBC World Top 6 Influential Women In History

She is British Political leader. At that time British Countries Women didn't have right to vote. Even women didn't have importance in Politics. She started fighting for Right to Vote for Women When she was 14. She was not able to digest Men's Majority in politics. She started Movement against Govt rules ,& also for equal rights to women in all sectors. Because of that movement she made it legal that even women can vote in elections. After that she became Political Leader & represented women. She supported that Unmarried women must have Right To Vote. With the help of her Friend Harriot she tried to join in Independent Labor Party. But as she was Women she was rejected. At that time she was even arrested for her Protests. At last after all her protests,she brought law that Women Will be given Right To Vote at the age of 21.

Ada Lovelace

According To BBC World Top 6 Influential Women In History

She was the daughter Lord Byron who was famous Romantic Novel Writer. She also made her Special recognition as Mathematician. Ada Mother Anne Isabella Noel Byron was a Scientist. Lord Byron have many illegal affairs with other women,but married Anne Isabella. Because of Lord Byron behavior Anne Isabella took her daughter to another city. Anne Isabella took care of Ada Lovelace Since Childhood & made her to improve Skills in Mathematics. In that way Ada Lovelace got Degree in Mathematics. Ada Lovelace have great interest to Find new things. So she joined as student under Charles Babbage. After invention of computer,Ada Lovelace was the 1 person to write 1 program on computer. Ada Lovelace designed that program by using Algorithm. Till now Ada Lovelace program was first in Computer. She did many researches in Mathematics. She maintained many Extra Martial affairs & she had many Addictions. In spite of her inventions,because of these bad addictions. She died at 36 in the year 1852,with Ovary Cancer.

Rosalind Elsie Franklin

According To BBC World Top 6 Influential Women In History

She was a Chemist. She made researches mainly on X-ray crystallographer,DNA. Her works on DNA got great recognition after her death. Franklin was born in British Family. She studied in a Private School in Narland ,London. Studied in Lindores School for Young Ladies in Sussex, and St Paul's Girls' School Then she studied the Natural Sciences Tripos at Newnham College, Cambridge. After getting her degree,she also earned research fellowship. She started her reaches in Cambridge University on Chemistry. After 1942,her X-ray was recognized as crystallographer . She did researches on X-ray diffraction. She made DNA Double Helix Theory Easy. In 1958,she died with Ovary cancer at the age of 37. Franklin is best known for her work on the X-ray diffraction images of DNA, particularly Photo 51, while at King's College, London, which led to the discovery of the DNA double helix for which James Watson, Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins In 1962,she got Nobel Prize for her works. Because she is dead till then. So Nobel Committee did not accept her Nomination. Franklin even did researches on Viruses with a team. So her team member Aaron Klug got Nobel Prize in the year 1982.

Margaret Thatcher

According To BBC World Top 6 Influential Women In History

She was Prime Minister from 1979-1990 to England. She ruled the country from 1975-1990,with Conservative Party. A Soviet journalist dubbed her The Iron Lady. She was such strong in Politics. She started her career as Chemist. Later studied law & Worked as Lawyer. She was elected as Parliament member from Finchley . Edward Heath appointed her as Secretary of State for Education and Science in his Conservative government. Thatcher defeated Heath in the Conservative Party leadership election to become Leader of the Opposition. She was First women to run Political Party in UK. In 1979,her party won & she became Prime Minister. Till her death she was the only Prime Minister for UK. She made many changes in British Govt when she was Prime Minister. When UK was in Financial Crices & jobless.Because of her crucial decision Financial C-rices were gone. She created more Jobs & made Govt lands Privatized.Reduced burden on Govt. Reduced the impacts of Workers Union. In 1982,because of her crucial decisions many people became fans for her. In 1983,She became Prime Minister again. She was saved from Murder Attempt which was done on her. In 1983,Thatcher came to power again for the 3 time. Her views on the European Community were not shared by others in her Cabinet. She resigned as Prime Minister and party leader in November 1990, after Michael Heseltine launched a challenge to her leadership. After retiring from the Commons in 1992, she was given a life peerage as Baroness. she died of a stroke in London at the age of 87. She is one of the greatest, most influential and most widely known politicians in British history. She was noted as most influential women in the History.

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According To BBC World Top 6 Influential Women In History According To BBC World Top 6 Influential Women In History Reviewed by deepak on September 15, 2018 Rating: 5

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